Intro to course tools: VectorByte Dataset Access Functions

This section will cover the exploration of of the VecTraits database and the functions included in the package bayesTPC to access to specific data.

Installing bayesTPC package

Lets start installing the package bayesTPC. It is important to have some packages installed in advance. The package bayesTPC uses some functionality from the package nimble. It is also useful to install the package remotes to install bayesTPC from the repository. To do so, you can run the following codes:

# Run any of the following if you don't have them installed yet

To install the package bayesTPC, you can use the following line of code:


Getting to know the VecTraits database

Explore the VecTraits database. Notice that you can search datasets by filtering according to traits, variables, genus, etc. We encourage you to identify some datasets that meets your particular interests.

Pulling data into R using the VecTraits API (Application Programming Interface) from bayesTPC

This section will walk you through the functions included in bayesTPC to retrieve data from VecTraits database

Load some packages…


Next, we are going to use some functions to extract specific datasets. We can use the function get_dataset() to extract a single one:

dataset50 <- get_dataset(50) # Get dataset with ID 50
     Id DatasetID IndividualID OriginalID OriginalTraitName
1 81848        50                  PHX261    fecundity rate
2 81849        50                  PHX261    fecundity rate
3 81850        50                  PHX261    fecundity rate
4 81851        50                  PHX261    fecundity rate
5 81852        50                  PHX261    fecundity rate
              OriginalTraitDef StandardisedTraitName StandardisedTraitDef
1 mean eggs individual-1 day-1                    NA                   NA
2 mean eggs individual-1 day-1                    NA                   NA
3 mean eggs individual-1 day-1                    NA                   NA
4 mean eggs individual-1 day-1                    NA                   NA
5 mean eggs individual-1 day-1                    NA                   NA
  OriginalTraitValue       OriginalTraitUnit OriginalErrorPos OriginalErrorNeg
1                3.0 eggs individual-1 day-1             51.7             51.7
2                6.3 eggs individual-1 day-1             33.4             33.4
3                9.6 eggs individual-1 day-1             36.3             36.3
4               12.5 eggs individual-1 day-1             45.7             45.7
5                5.8 eggs individual-1 day-1             75.2             75.2
        OriginalErrorUnit StandardisedTraitValue StandardisedTraitUnit
1 coefficient of variance                     NA                    NA
2 coefficient of variance                     NA                    NA
3 coefficient of variance                     NA                    NA
4 coefficient of variance                     NA                    NA
5 coefficient of variance                     NA                    NA
  StandardisedErrorPos StandardisedErrorNeg StandardisedErrorUnit Replicates
1                   NA                   NA                    NA         NA
2                   NA                   NA                    NA         NA
3                   NA                   NA                    NA         NA
4                   NA                   NA                    NA         NA
5                   NA                   NA                    NA         NA
      Habitat   LabField ArenaValue ArenaUnit ArenaValueSI ArenaUnitSI
1 terrestrial laboratory         NA        NA           NA          NA
2 terrestrial laboratory         NA        NA           NA          NA
3 terrestrial laboratory         NA        NA           NA          NA
4 terrestrial laboratory         NA        NA           NA          NA
5 terrestrial laboratory         NA        NA           NA          NA
  AmbientTemp AmbientTempMethod AmbientTempUnit AmbientLight AmbientLightUnit
1          NA                NA              NA           NA               NA
2          NA                NA              NA           NA               NA
3          NA                NA              NA           NA               NA
4          NA                NA              NA           NA               NA
5          NA                NA              NA           NA               NA
  SecondStressor SecondStressorDef SecondStressorValue SecondStressorUnit
1             NA                NA                  NA                 NA
2             NA                NA                  NA                 NA
3             NA                NA                  NA                 NA
4             NA                NA                  NA                 NA
5             NA                NA                  NA                 NA
  TimeStart TimeEnd TotalObsTimeValue TotalObsTimeUnit TotalObsTimeValueSI
1        NA      NA                NA               NA                  NA
2        NA      NA                NA               NA                  NA
3        NA      NA                NA               NA                  NA
4        NA      NA                NA               NA                  NA
5        NA      NA                NA               NA                  NA
  TotalObsTimeUnitSI TotalObsTimeNotes ResRepValue ResRepUnit ResRepValueSI
1                 NA                NA          NA         NA            NA
2                 NA                NA          NA         NA            NA
3                 NA                NA          NA         NA            NA
4                 NA                NA          NA         NA            NA
5                 NA                NA          NA         NA            NA
  ResRepUnitSI    LocationText LocationType OriginalLocationDate LocationDate
1           NA Dryden New York           NA                   NA   1974-01-06
2           NA Dryden New York           NA                   NA   1974-01-06
3           NA Dryden New York           NA                   NA   1974-01-06
4           NA Dryden New York           NA                   NA   1974-01-06
5           NA Dryden New York           NA                   NA   1974-01-06
  LocationDatePrecision CoordinateType Latitude Longitude         Interactor1
1                     3        decimal 42.48917 -76.35972 Sepedon fuscipennis
2                     3        decimal 42.48917 -76.35972 Sepedon fuscipennis
3                     3        decimal 42.48917 -76.35972 Sepedon fuscipennis
4                     3        decimal 42.48917 -76.35972 Sepedon fuscipennis
5                     3        decimal 42.48917 -76.35972 Sepedon fuscipennis
  Interactor1Common Interactor1Wholepart Interactor1WholePartType
1         Marsh fly                   NA                       NA
2         Marsh fly                   NA                       NA
3         Marsh fly                   NA                       NA
4         Marsh fly                   NA                       NA
5         Marsh fly                   NA                       NA
  Interactor1Number Interactor1Kingdom Interactor1Phylum Interactor1Class
1                17           Animalia        Arthropoda          Insecta
2                59           Animalia        Arthropoda          Insecta
3                54           Animalia        Arthropoda          Insecta
4                52           Animalia        Arthropoda          Insecta
5                24           Animalia        Arthropoda          Insecta
  Interactor1Order Interactor1Family Interactor1Genus Interactor1Species
1          Diptera       Sciomyzidae          Sepedon        fuscipennis
2          Diptera       Sciomyzidae          Sepedon        fuscipennis
3          Diptera       Sciomyzidae          Sepedon        fuscipennis
4          Diptera       Sciomyzidae          Sepedon        fuscipennis
5          Diptera       Sciomyzidae          Sepedon        fuscipennis
  Interactor1Stage Interactor1Sex Interactor1Temp Interactor1TempUnit
1            adult         female              15             Celsius
2            adult         female              21             Celsius
3            adult         female              26             Celsius
4            adult         female              30             Celsius
5            adult         female              33             Celsius
  Interactor1TempMethod Interactor1GrowthTemp Interactor1GrowthTempUnit
1                    NA                    NA                        NA
2                    NA                    NA                        NA
3                    NA                    NA                        NA
4                    NA                    NA                        NA
5                    NA                    NA                        NA
  Interactor1GrowthDur Interactor1GrowthdDurUnit Interactor1GrowthType
1                   NA                        NA                    NA
2                   NA                        NA                    NA
3                   NA                        NA                    NA
4                   NA                        NA                    NA
5                   NA                        NA                    NA
  Interactor1Acc Interactor1AccTemp Interactor1AccTempNotes Interactor1AccTime
1             NA                 NA                      NA                 NA
2             NA                 NA                      NA                 NA
3             NA                 NA                      NA                 NA
4             NA                 NA                      NA                 NA
5             NA                 NA                      NA                 NA
  Interactor1AccTimeNotes Interactor1AccTimeUnit Interactor1OrigTemp
1                      NA                     NA                  NA
2                      NA                     NA                  NA
3                      NA                     NA                  NA
4                      NA                     NA                  NA
5                      NA                     NA                  NA
  Interactor1OrigTempNotes Interactor1OrigTime Interactor1OrigTimeNotes
1                       NA                  NA                       NA
2                       NA                  NA                       NA
3                       NA                  NA                       NA
4                       NA                  NA                       NA
5                       NA                  NA                       NA
  Interactor1OrigTimeUnit Interactor1EquilibTimeValue
1                      NA                          NA
2                      NA                          NA
3                      NA                          NA
4                      NA                          NA
5                      NA                          NA
  Interactor1EquilibTimeUnit Interactor1Size Interactor1SizeUnit
1                         NA              NA                  NA
2                         NA              NA                  NA
3                         NA              NA                  NA
4                         NA              NA                  NA
5                         NA              NA                  NA
  Interactor1SizeType Interactor1SizeSI Interactor1SizeUnitSI
1                  NA                NA                    NA
2                  NA                NA                    NA
3                  NA                NA                    NA
4                  NA                NA                    NA
5                  NA                NA                    NA
  Interactor1DenValue Interactor1DenUnit Interactor1DenTypeSI
1                  NA                 NA                   NA
2                  NA                 NA                   NA
3                  NA                 NA                   NA
4                  NA                 NA                   NA
5                  NA                 NA                   NA
  Interactor1DenValueSI Interactor1DenUnitSI Interactor1MassValueSI
1                    NA                   NA                     NA
2                    NA                   NA                     NA
3                    NA                   NA                     NA
4                    NA                   NA                     NA
5                    NA                   NA                     NA
  Interactor1MassUnitSI Interactor2 Interactor2Common Interactor2Kingdom
1                    NA   None None                NA                 NA
2                    NA   None None                NA                 NA
3                    NA   None None                NA                 NA
4                    NA   None None                NA                 NA
5                    NA   None None                NA                 NA
  Interactor2Phylum Interactor2Class Interactor2Order Interactor2Family
1                NA               NA               NA                NA
2                NA               NA               NA                NA
3                NA               NA               NA                NA
4                NA               NA               NA                NA
5                NA               NA               NA                NA
  Interactor2Genus Interactor2Species Interactor2Stage Interactor2Sex
1               NA                 NA               NA             NA
2               NA                 NA               NA             NA
3               NA                 NA               NA             NA
4               NA                 NA               NA             NA
5               NA                 NA               NA             NA
  Interactor2Temp Interactor2TempUnit Interactor2TempMethod
1              NA                  NA                    NA
2              NA                  NA                    NA
3              NA                  NA                    NA
4              NA                  NA                    NA
5              NA                  NA                    NA
  Interactor2GrowthTemp Interactor2GrowthTempUnit Interactor2GrowthDur
1                    NA                        NA                   NA
2                    NA                        NA                   NA
3                    NA                        NA                   NA
4                    NA                        NA                   NA
5                    NA                        NA                   NA
  Interactor2GrowthDurUnit Interactor2GrowthType Interactor2Acc
1                       NA                    NA             NA
2                       NA                    NA             NA
3                       NA                    NA             NA
4                       NA                    NA             NA
5                       NA                    NA             NA
  Interactor2AccTemp Interactor2AccTempNotes Interactor2AccTime
1                 NA                      NA                 NA
2                 NA                      NA                 NA
3                 NA                      NA                 NA
4                 NA                      NA                 NA
5                 NA                      NA                 NA
  Interactor2AccTimeNotes Interactor2AccTimeUnit Interactor2OrigTemp
1                      NA                     NA                  NA
2                      NA                     NA                  NA
3                      NA                     NA                  NA
4                      NA                     NA                  NA
5                      NA                     NA                  NA
  Interactor2OrigTempNotes Interactor2OrigTime Interactor2OrigTimeNotes
1                       NA                  NA                       NA
2                       NA                  NA                       NA
3                       NA                  NA                       NA
4                       NA                  NA                       NA
5                       NA                  NA                       NA
  Interactor2OrigTimeUnit Interactor2EquilibTimeValue
1                      NA                          NA
2                      NA                          NA
3                      NA                          NA
4                      NA                          NA
5                      NA                          NA
  Interactor2EquilibTimeUnit Interactor2Size Interactor2SizeUnit
1                         NA              NA                  NA
2                         NA              NA                  NA
3                         NA              NA                  NA
4                         NA              NA                  NA
5                         NA              NA                  NA
  Interactor2SizeType Interactor2SizeSI Interactor2SizeUnitSI
1                  NA                NA                    NA
2                  NA                NA                    NA
3                  NA                NA                    NA
4                  NA                NA                    NA
5                  NA                NA                    NA
  Interactor2DenValue Interactor2DenUnit Interactor2DenTypeSI
1                  NA                 NA                   NA
2                  NA                 NA                   NA
3                  NA                 NA                   NA
4                  NA                 NA                   NA
5                  NA                 NA                   NA
  Interactor2DenValueSI Interactor2DenUnitSI Interactor2MassValueSI
1                    NA                   NA                     NA
2                    NA                   NA                     NA
3                    NA                   NA                     NA
4                    NA                   NA                     NA
5                    NA                   NA                     NA
  Interactor2MassUnitSI PhysicalProcess PhysicalProcess_1 PhysicalProcess_2
1                    NA              NA                NA                NA
2                    NA              NA                NA                NA
3                    NA              NA                NA                NA
4                    NA              NA                NA                NA
5                    NA              NA                NA                NA
1     table 1
2     table 1
3     table 1
4     table 1
5     table 1
1 Barnes 1976. Effect of temperature on development survival oviposition and diapause in laboratory populations of Sepedon fuscipennis (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Environ. Entomol. 5: 1089-1098
2 Barnes 1976. Effect of temperature on development survival oviposition and diapause in laboratory populations of Sepedon fuscipennis (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Environ. Entomol. 5: 1089-1098
3 Barnes 1976. Effect of temperature on development survival oviposition and diapause in laboratory populations of Sepedon fuscipennis (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Environ. Entomol. 5: 1089-1098
4 Barnes 1976. Effect of temperature on development survival oviposition and diapause in laboratory populations of Sepedon fuscipennis (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Environ. Entomol. 5: 1089-1098
5 Barnes 1976. Effect of temperature on development survival oviposition and diapause in laboratory populations of Sepedon fuscipennis (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Environ. Entomol. 5: 1089-1098
  CuratedByCitation CuratedByDOI                 DOI SubmittedBy
1                NA           NA 10.1093/ee/5.6.1089 Paul Huxley
2                NA           NA 10.1093/ee/5.6.1089 Paul Huxley
3                NA           NA 10.1093/ee/5.6.1089 Paul Huxley
4                NA           NA 10.1093/ee/5.6.1089 Paul Huxley
5                NA           NA 10.1093/ee/5.6.1089 Paul Huxley
  ContributorEmail Notes DefaultChartXaxis DefaultChartCategory
1    NA   Interactor1Temp         LocationText
2    NA   Interactor1Temp         LocationText
3    NA   Interactor1Temp         LocationText
4    NA   Interactor1Temp         LocationText
5    NA   Interactor1Temp         LocationText

Retrieve Multiple Datasets

Get a list of datasets by their ID numbers.

format: get_datasets(<Vector or sequence of IDs>)

list_of_dataframes <- get_datasets(c(1:10))
Retrieving dataset: 1 
Retrieving dataset: 2 
Retrieving dataset: 3 
Retrieving dataset: 4 
Retrieving dataset: 5 
Retrieving dataset: 6 
Retrieving dataset: 7 
Retrieving dataset: 8 
Retrieving dataset: 9 
Retrieving dataset: 10 

Use and lapply to create a single dataframe containing all of the datasets you pulled in the previous step:

datasets1to10 <-,lapply(list_of_dataframes, data.frame, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
     Id DatasetID IndividualID OriginalID OriginalTraitName
1 81518         1                  PHX801  development time
2 81519         1                  PHX801  development time
3 81520         1                  PHX801  development time
4 81521         1                  PHX801  development time
5 81522         1                  PHX801  development time
6 81523         2                  PHX802         fecundity
             OriginalTraitDef StandardisedTraitName StandardisedTraitDef
1 mean duration of life stage                    NA                   NA
2 mean duration of life stage                    NA                   NA
3 mean duration of life stage                    NA                   NA
4 mean duration of life stage                    NA                   NA
5 mean duration of life stage                    NA                   NA
6     mean lifetime offspring                    NA                   NA
  OriginalTraitValue      OriginalTraitUnit OriginalErrorPos OriginalErrorNeg
1               21.3                   days             0.31             0.31
2               12.2                   days             0.23             0.23
3                8.3                   days             0.16             0.16
4                6.7                   days             0.16             0.16
5                6.5                   days             0.26             0.26
6               51.5 offspring individual-1             3.93             3.93
  OriginalErrorUnit StandardisedTraitValue StandardisedTraitUnit
1                se                     NA                    NA
2                se                     NA                    NA
3                se                     NA                    NA
4                se                     NA                    NA
5                se                     NA                    NA
6                se                     NA                    NA
  StandardisedErrorPos StandardisedErrorNeg StandardisedErrorUnit Replicates
1                   NA                   NA                    NA         NA
2                   NA                   NA                    NA         NA
3                   NA                   NA                    NA         NA
4                   NA                   NA                    NA         NA
5                   NA                   NA                    NA         NA
6                   NA                   NA                    NA         NA
      Habitat   LabField ArenaValue ArenaUnit ArenaValueSI ArenaUnitSI
1 terrestrial laboratory         NA        NA           NA          NA
2 terrestrial laboratory         NA        NA           NA          NA
3 terrestrial laboratory         NA        NA           NA          NA
4 terrestrial laboratory         NA        NA           NA          NA
5 terrestrial laboratory         NA        NA           NA          NA
6 terrestrial laboratory         NA        NA           NA          NA
  AmbientTemp AmbientTempMethod AmbientTempUnit AmbientLight AmbientLightUnit
1          NA                NA              NA           NA               NA
2          NA                NA              NA           NA               NA
3          NA                NA              NA           NA               NA
4          NA                NA              NA           NA               NA
5          NA                NA              NA           NA               NA
6          NA                NA              NA           NA               NA
  SecondStressor SecondStressorDef SecondStressorValue SecondStressorUnit
1             NA                NA                  NA                 NA
2             NA                NA                  NA                 NA
3             NA                NA                  NA                 NA
4             NA                NA                  NA                 NA
5             NA                NA                  NA                 NA
6             NA                NA                  NA                 NA
  TimeStart TimeEnd TotalObsTimeValue TotalObsTimeUnit TotalObsTimeValueSI
1        NA      NA                NA               NA                  NA
2        NA      NA                NA               NA                  NA
3        NA      NA                NA               NA                  NA
4        NA      NA                NA               NA                  NA
5        NA      NA                NA               NA                  NA
6        NA      NA                NA               NA                  NA
  TotalObsTimeUnitSI TotalObsTimeNotes ResRepValue ResRepUnit ResRepValueSI
1                 NA                NA          NA         NA            NA
2                 NA                NA          NA         NA            NA
3                 NA                NA          NA         NA            NA
4                 NA                NA          NA         NA            NA
5                 NA                NA          NA         NA            NA
6                 NA                NA          NA         NA            NA
  ResRepUnitSI                LocationText LocationType OriginalLocationDate
1           NA Nonsan-si Republic of Korea        field                   NA
2           NA Nonsan-si Republic of Korea        field                   NA
3           NA Nonsan-si Republic of Korea        field                   NA
4           NA Nonsan-si Republic of Korea        field                   NA
5           NA Nonsan-si Republic of Korea        field                   NA
6           NA Nonsan-si Republic of Korea        field                   NA
  LocationDate LocationDatePrecision CoordinateType Latitude Longitude
1   2009-01-01                     1        decimal     36.5    126.75
2   2009-01-01                     1        decimal     36.5    126.75
3   2009-01-01                     1        decimal     36.5    126.75
4   2009-01-01                     1        decimal     36.5    126.75
5   2009-01-01                     1        decimal     36.5    126.75
6   2009-01-01                     1        decimal     36.5    126.75
          Interactor1 Interactor1Common Interactor1Wholepart
1 Acyrthosiphon pisum         Pea aphid                   NA
2 Acyrthosiphon pisum         Pea aphid                   NA
3 Acyrthosiphon pisum         Pea aphid                   NA
4 Acyrthosiphon pisum         Pea aphid                   NA
5 Acyrthosiphon pisum         Pea aphid                   NA
6 Acyrthosiphon pisum         Pea aphid                   NA
  Interactor1WholePartType Interactor1Number Interactor1Kingdom
1                       NA                39           Animalia
2                       NA                53           Animalia
3                       NA                45           Animalia
4                       NA                42           Animalia
5                       NA                 8           Animalia
6                       NA                50           Animalia
  Interactor1Phylum Interactor1Class Interactor1Order Interactor1Family
1        Arthropoda          Insecta        Hemiptera         Aphididae
2        Arthropoda          Insecta        Hemiptera         Aphididae
3        Arthropoda          Insecta        Hemiptera         Aphididae
4        Arthropoda          Insecta        Hemiptera         Aphididae
5        Arthropoda          Insecta        Hemiptera         Aphididae
6        Arthropoda          Insecta        Hemiptera         Aphididae
  Interactor1Genus Interactor1Species Interactor1Stage Interactor1Sex
1    Acyrthosiphon              pisum         juvenile           <NA>
2    Acyrthosiphon              pisum         juvenile           <NA>
3    Acyrthosiphon              pisum         juvenile           <NA>
4    Acyrthosiphon              pisum         juvenile           <NA>
5    Acyrthosiphon              pisum         juvenile           <NA>
6    Acyrthosiphon              pisum            adult         female
  Interactor1Temp Interactor1TempUnit Interactor1TempMethod
1              10             Celsius                    NA
2              15             Celsius                    NA
3              20             Celsius                    NA
4              25             Celsius                    NA
5              30             Celsius                    NA
6              10             Celsius                    NA
  Interactor1GrowthTemp Interactor1GrowthTempUnit Interactor1GrowthDur
1                    NA                      <NA>                   NA
2                    NA                      <NA>                   NA
3                    NA                      <NA>                   NA
4                    NA                      <NA>                   NA
5                    NA                      <NA>                   NA
6                    NA                      <NA>                   NA
  Interactor1GrowthdDurUnit Interactor1GrowthType Interactor1Acc
1                        NA                    NA             NA
2                        NA                    NA             NA
3                        NA                    NA             NA
4                        NA                    NA             NA
5                        NA                    NA             NA
6                        NA                    NA             NA
  Interactor1AccTemp Interactor1AccTempNotes Interactor1AccTime
1                 NA                      NA                 NA
2                 NA                      NA                 NA
3                 NA                      NA                 NA
4                 NA                      NA                 NA
5                 NA                      NA                 NA
6                 NA                      NA                 NA
  Interactor1AccTimeNotes Interactor1AccTimeUnit Interactor1OrigTemp
1                      NA                     NA                  NA
2                      NA                     NA                  NA
3                      NA                     NA                  NA
4                      NA                     NA                  NA
5                      NA                     NA                  NA
6                      NA                     NA                  NA
  Interactor1OrigTempNotes Interactor1OrigTime Interactor1OrigTimeNotes
1                       NA                  NA                       NA
2                       NA                  NA                       NA
3                       NA                  NA                       NA
4                       NA                  NA                       NA
5                       NA                  NA                       NA
6                       NA                  NA                       NA
  Interactor1OrigTimeUnit Interactor1EquilibTimeValue
1                      NA                          NA
2                      NA                          NA
3                      NA                          NA
4                      NA                          NA
5                      NA                          NA
6                      NA                          NA
  Interactor1EquilibTimeUnit Interactor1Size Interactor1SizeUnit
1                         NA              NA                  NA
2                         NA              NA                  NA
3                         NA              NA                  NA
4                         NA              NA                  NA
5                         NA              NA                  NA
6                         NA              NA                  NA
  Interactor1SizeType Interactor1SizeSI Interactor1SizeUnitSI
1                  NA                NA                    NA
2                  NA                NA                    NA
3                  NA                NA                    NA
4                  NA                NA                    NA
5                  NA                NA                    NA
6                  NA                NA                    NA
  Interactor1DenValue Interactor1DenUnit Interactor1DenTypeSI
1                  NA                 NA                   NA
2                  NA                 NA                   NA
3                  NA                 NA                   NA
4                  NA                 NA                   NA
5                  NA                 NA                   NA
6                  NA                 NA                   NA
  Interactor1DenValueSI Interactor1DenUnitSI Interactor1MassValueSI
1                    NA                   NA                     NA
2                    NA                   NA                     NA
3                    NA                   NA                     NA
4                    NA                   NA                     NA
5                    NA                   NA                     NA
6                    NA                   NA                     NA
  Interactor1MassUnitSI Interactor2 Interactor2Common Interactor2Kingdom
1                    NA   None None                NA                 NA
2                    NA   None None                NA                 NA
3                    NA   None None                NA                 NA
4                    NA   None None                NA                 NA
5                    NA   None None                NA                 NA
6                    NA   None None                NA                 NA
  Interactor2Phylum Interactor2Class Interactor2Order Interactor2Family
1                NA               NA               NA                NA
2                NA               NA               NA                NA
3                NA               NA               NA                NA
4                NA               NA               NA                NA
5                NA               NA               NA                NA
6                NA               NA               NA                NA
  Interactor2Genus Interactor2Species Interactor2Stage Interactor2Sex
1               NA                 NA               NA             NA
2               NA                 NA               NA             NA
3               NA                 NA               NA             NA
4               NA                 NA               NA             NA
5               NA                 NA               NA             NA
6               NA                 NA               NA             NA
  Interactor2Temp Interactor2TempUnit Interactor2TempMethod
1              NA                  NA                    NA
2              NA                  NA                    NA
3              NA                  NA                    NA
4              NA                  NA                    NA
5              NA                  NA                    NA
6              NA                  NA                    NA
  Interactor2GrowthTemp Interactor2GrowthTempUnit Interactor2GrowthDur
1                    NA                        NA                   NA
2                    NA                        NA                   NA
3                    NA                        NA                   NA
4                    NA                        NA                   NA
5                    NA                        NA                   NA
6                    NA                        NA                   NA
  Interactor2GrowthDurUnit Interactor2GrowthType Interactor2Acc
1                       NA                    NA             NA
2                       NA                    NA             NA
3                       NA                    NA             NA
4                       NA                    NA             NA
5                       NA                    NA             NA
6                       NA                    NA             NA
  Interactor2AccTemp Interactor2AccTempNotes Interactor2AccTime
1                 NA                      NA                 NA
2                 NA                      NA                 NA
3                 NA                      NA                 NA
4                 NA                      NA                 NA
5                 NA                      NA                 NA
6                 NA                      NA                 NA
  Interactor2AccTimeNotes Interactor2AccTimeUnit Interactor2OrigTemp
1                      NA                     NA                  NA
2                      NA                     NA                  NA
3                      NA                     NA                  NA
4                      NA                     NA                  NA
5                      NA                     NA                  NA
6                      NA                     NA                  NA
  Interactor2OrigTempNotes Interactor2OrigTime Interactor2OrigTimeNotes
1                       NA                  NA                       NA
2                       NA                  NA                       NA
3                       NA                  NA                       NA
4                       NA                  NA                       NA
5                       NA                  NA                       NA
6                       NA                  NA                       NA
  Interactor2OrigTimeUnit Interactor2EquilibTimeValue
1                      NA                          NA
2                      NA                          NA
3                      NA                          NA
4                      NA                          NA
5                      NA                          NA
6                      NA                          NA
  Interactor2EquilibTimeUnit Interactor2Size Interactor2SizeUnit
1                         NA              NA                  NA
2                         NA              NA                  NA
3                         NA              NA                  NA
4                         NA              NA                  NA
5                         NA              NA                  NA
6                         NA              NA                  NA
  Interactor2SizeType Interactor2SizeSI Interactor2SizeUnitSI
1                  NA                NA                    NA
2                  NA                NA                    NA
3                  NA                NA                    NA
4                  NA                NA                    NA
5                  NA                NA                    NA
6                  NA                NA                    NA
  Interactor2DenValue Interactor2DenUnit Interactor2DenTypeSI
1                  NA                 NA                   NA
2                  NA                 NA                   NA
3                  NA                 NA                   NA
4                  NA                 NA                   NA
5                  NA                 NA                   NA
6                  NA                 NA                   NA
  Interactor2DenValueSI Interactor2DenUnitSI Interactor2MassValueSI
1                    NA                   NA                     NA
2                    NA                   NA                     NA
3                    NA                   NA                     NA
4                    NA                   NA                     NA
5                    NA                   NA                     NA
6                    NA                   NA                     NA
  Interactor2MassUnitSI PhysicalProcess PhysicalProcess_1 PhysicalProcess_2
1                    NA              NA                NA                NA
2                    NA              NA                NA                NA
3                    NA              NA                NA                NA
4                    NA              NA                NA                NA
5                    NA              NA                NA                NA
6                    NA              NA                NA                NA
1     table 1
2     table 1
3     table 1
4     table 1
5     table 1
6     table 1
1 Ahn et al. 2020. Thermal effects on the population parameters and growth of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Insects 11:8
2 Ahn et al. 2020. Thermal effects on the population parameters and growth of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Insects 11:8
3 Ahn et al. 2020. Thermal effects on the population parameters and growth of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Insects 11:8
4 Ahn et al. 2020. Thermal effects on the population parameters and growth of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Insects 11:8
5 Ahn et al. 2020. Thermal effects on the population parameters and growth of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Insects 11:8
6 Ahn et al. 2020. Thermal effects on the population parameters and growth of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Insects 11:8
  CuratedByCitation CuratedByDOI                     DOI SubmittedBy
1                NA           NA 10.3390/insects11080481 Paul Huxley
2                NA           NA 10.3390/insects11080481 Paul Huxley
3                NA           NA 10.3390/insects11080481 Paul Huxley
4                NA           NA 10.3390/insects11080481 Paul Huxley
5                NA           NA 10.3390/insects11080481 Paul Huxley
6                NA           NA 10.3390/insects11080481 Paul Huxley
  ContributorEmail                      Notes DefaultChartXaxis
1 reared on faba bean leaves   Interactor1Temp
2 reared on faba bean leaves   Interactor1Temp
3 reared on faba bean leaves   Interactor1Temp
4 reared on faba bean leaves   Interactor1Temp
5 reared on faba bean leaves   Interactor1Temp
6 reared on faba bean leaves   Interactor1Temp
1         LocationText
2         LocationText
3         LocationText
4         LocationText
5         LocationText
6         LocationText

Search for and list datasets on a specific genus

list_of_sepedon <- find_datasets("Sepedon")
6 datasets found. Attempting to retreive.

Retrieving dataset: 49 
Retrieving dataset: 50 
Retrieving dataset: 51 
Retrieving dataset: 52 
Retrieving dataset: 53 
Retrieving dataset: 54 

Other options


list_of_dataframes <- get_datasets(<Vector or Range of IDs>)


list_of_dataframes <- get_datasets(c(10, 20, 35)) # Get datasets 10, 20, and 35
Retrieving dataset: 10 
Retrieving dataset: 20 
Retrieving dataset: 35 
list_of_dataframes <- get_datasets(seq(200, 240, 10)) # Get datasets 200, 210, 220, 230, and 240
Retrieving dataset: 200 
Retrieving dataset: 210 
Retrieving dataset: 220 
Retrieving dataset: 230 
Retrieving dataset: 240 
list_of_dataframes <- get_datasets(c(50, 1, 580, 20)) # Get datasets 1, 20, 50, and 580
Retrieving dataset: 50 
Retrieving dataset: 1 
Retrieving dataset: 580 
Retrieving dataset: 20 
list_of_dataframes <- get_datasets(320:324) # Get datasets 320, 321, 322, 323, and 324
Retrieving dataset: 320 
Retrieving dataset: 321 
Retrieving dataset: 322 
Retrieving dataset: 323 
Retrieving dataset: 324 

The pick() Function

If all the information above was too much and there’s no way you’re going to remember it, all you need to know is the pick() function. The pick() function displays a small menu and allows you to choose an option in order for you to find and retrieve whatever dataset(s) you may be looking for.


x <- pick()

Access Dataframes In Lists

When multiple datasets are retrieved and stored in a list of dataframes, you can access individual datasets with the following format:

first_dataframe <- list_of_dataframes[[1]]

second_dataframe <- list_of_dataframes[[2]]

…and so on for every dataframe in the list.


To print a list of the names of those who contributed to the datasets related to tiger mosquitos:

for (i in 1:length(list_of_tiger_dataframes)) {
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Lauren Chapman"
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Paul Huxley"
[1] "Lauren Chapman"
[1] "Lauren Chapman"
[1] "Lauren Chapman"

or retrieve the IDs:

for (i in 1:length(list_of_tiger_dataframes)) {
[1] 6
[1] 69
[1] 70
[1] 71
[1] 72
[1] 108
[1] 109
[1] 110
[1] 111
[1] 112
[1] 171
[1] 288
[1] 289
[1] 290
[1] 291
[1] 292
[1] 293

Access Data In Dataframes

To access variable x in row y of a dataset stored as a dataframe, use the $ symbol and square brackets []:

variable_value <- dataframe$x[y]

For example, if you had a dataset stored as a dataframe and you wanted to know the Genus of Interactor 1 in the fifth row, you could get that with the following code:

[1] "Sepedon"

The same format also works for dataframes in lists. For example, you could run the following to get the original trait value in row 3 of the fourth dataset in the list:

[1] 0.25

The same format also works on raw functions, although it is recommended that retrieved datasets are immediately stored in an R object:

get_dataset(5)$SubmittedBy[1] # Name of person who submitted the dataset with ID 5
[1] "Paul Huxley"

Plotting datasets using ggplot2

Once the database is retrieved, data can be used to explore and plot. In this example the dataset 49 will be used. This dataset have data about fecundity (number of eggs per individual) at different temperatures for the species Sepedon fuscipennis:

dataset49 <- get_dataset(49)

By using tools from ggplot2 data can be transformed and used:

dataset49 %>%
  ggplot(aes(Interactor1Temp,OriginalTraitValue)) +
  geom_point(col = "blue") +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymax = OriginalTraitValue+OriginalErrorPos, 
                    ymin = OriginalTraitValue-OriginalErrorNeg), width = 1) +

The same can be done when multiple datasets are retrieved. For this example we will use two datasets about fecundity (number of eggs per individual) at different temperatures.

longevity_temp <- get_datasets(c(71,111))
Retrieving dataset: 71 
Retrieving dataset: 111 
longevity_temp <-,lapply(longevity_temp, data.frame, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

Now we can display both datasets on the same plot:

longevity_temp %>%
  mutate(DatasetID = factor(DatasetID)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(Interactor1Temp, OriginalTraitValue, col = DatasetID)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymax = OriginalTraitValue+OriginalErrorPos, 
                    ymin = OriginalTraitValue-OriginalErrorNeg), width = 2) +