Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
In the Bayesian approach our probabilities numerically represent rational beliefs.
Bayes rule provides a rational method for updating those beliefs in light of new information and incorporating/quantifying uncertainty in those beliefs.
Thus, Bayesian inference is an approach for understanding data inductively.
Bayes Theorem allows us to relate the conditional probabilities of two events \(A\) and \(B\): \[ \text{Pr}(A|B) = \frac{\text{Pr}(B|A)\text{Pr}(A)}{\text{Pr}(B)} \]
We can re-write Bayes rule in terms of our parameters, \(\theta\) and our data, \(Y\): \[\begin{align*} \text{Pr}(\theta|Y) & = \frac{\text{Pr}(Y|\theta)\text{Pr}(\theta)}{\text{Pr}(Y)} \end{align*}\]
The LHS is the main quantity of interest in a Bayesian analysis, the posterior, denoted \(f(\theta|Y)\): \[ \overbrace{f(\theta|Y)}^\text{Posterior} \propto \overbrace{\mathcal{L}(\theta; Y)}^\text{Likelihood} \times \overbrace{f(\theta)}^\text{Prior} \]
The fundamental differences between classical and Bayesian methods is what is fixed and what is random in an analysis.
Paradigm | Fixed | Random |
Classical | param (\(\theta\)) | data (\(Y\)) |
Bayesian | data (\(Y\)) | param (\(\theta\)) |
The difference between Classical and Bayesian lies in step 4:
Suppose we are interested in the prevalence of an infectious disease in a small city. A small random sample of 20 individuals will be checked for infection.
Before the sample is obtained, the number of infected individuals is unknown.
Other studies from various parts of the country indicate that the infection rate ranges from about 0.05 to 0.20, with an average prevalence of 0.1.
The prior and sample model combination: \[\begin{align*} \theta & \sim \mathrm{Beta} (a,b) \\ Y|\theta & \sim \mathrm{Bin} (n, \theta) \end{align*}\] and an observed \(y\) (the data), leads to the posterior \[ p(\theta|y)= \mathrm{Beta}(a+y, b+n-y) \]
For our case, we have \(a=2\), \(b=20\), \(n=20\).
If we don’t find any infections (\(y=0\)) our posterior is: \[ p(\theta |y=0)= \mathrm{Beta}(2, 40) \]
How influential is our prior? The posterior expectation is \[ \mathrm{E}\{\theta|Y=y\} = \frac{n}{w+n} \bar{y} + \frac{w}{w+n} \theta_0 \] a weighted average of the sample mean and the prior expectation: \[\begin{align*} \theta_0 & = \frac{a}{a+b} ~~~~ \rightarrow \text{ prior expectation (or guess)} \\ w & = a + b ~~~~ \rightarrow \text{ prior confidence} \end{align*}\]
A standard estimate of a population proportion, \(\theta\) is the sample mean \(\bar{y} = y/n\). If \(y=0 \rightarrow \bar{y} = 0\).
Understanding the sampling uncertainty is crucial (e.g., for reporting to health officials).
The most popular 95% confidence interval for a population proportion is the Wald Interval: \[ \bar{y} \pm 1.96 \sqrt{\bar{y}(1-\bar{y})/n}. \] This has the correct asymptotic coverage, but \(y=0\) is still problematic!
Some sets of priors/likelihoods/posteriors exhibit a special relationship called conjugacy: when posterior and prior distributions have the same form.
E.g., in our Beta-Binomial/Bernoilli example: \[\begin{align*} \theta & \sim \mathrm{Beta} (a,b) \\ Y|\theta & \sim \mathrm{Bin} (n, \theta) \\ \theta | Y & \sim \mathrm{Beta}(a^*, b^*) \end{align*}\]
Conjugacy is a nice special property, but most of the time this isn’t the case.
Usually getting an analytic form of the posterior distribution can be hard or impossible.
For the Beta-Binomial model, we found that \[ p(\theta | y)= \mathrm{Beta}(a+y, b+n-y). \] We can calculate multiple summaries exactly, for example: \[\begin{align*} \mathrm{mean}= \mathrm{E}[\theta|Y] & = \frac{a+y}{a+b+n} \\ \mathrm{mode}(\theta|Y) & = \frac{a+y-1}{a+b+n-2} ~~~ \dagger \end{align*}\]
\(\dagger\) a.k.a. the maximum a posteriori estimator (MAP)
The posterior expectation can be written as a weighted average of information from the prior and the data \[ \mathrm{E}\{\theta |Y=y\} = \frac{n}{a + b +n} \bar{y} + \frac{a+b}{a+b+n} \theta_0. \] Thus \(a\) and \(b\) can be interpreted here as prior data where \(a\) is the number of prior successes and \(a+b\) is the prior sample size. When \(n\gg a+b\) most of our information comes from the data instead of the prior.
We can also visually check for sensitivity, since we don’t have general analytic approaches.
An interval \([l(y), u(y)]\), based on the observed data \(Y=y\), has 95 % Bayesian coverage for \(\theta\) if \[ P(l(y) <\theta < u(y)|Y=y)=0.95 \] The interpretation: it describes your information about the true value of \(\theta\) after you have observed \(Y=y\).
Such intervals are typically called credible intervals, to distinguish them from frequentist confidence intervals. Both are referred to as CIs.
Perhaps the easiest way to obtain a credible interval is to use the posterior quantiles.
To make a \(100 \times (1-\alpha)\) % quantile-based CI, find numbers \(\theta_{\alpha/2}<\theta_{1- \alpha/2}\) such that
The numbers \(\theta_{\alpha/2},\theta_{1- \alpha/2}\) are the \(\alpha/2\) and \(1-\alpha/2\) posterior quantiles of \(\theta\).
Suppose out of \(n=10\) conditionally independent draws of a binary random variable we observe \(Y=2\) ones (successes).
Using a uniform prior distribution (a.k.a., \(\mathrm{Beta}(1,1)\)) for \(\theta\), the posterior distribution is \(\theta | y=2 \sim \mathrm{Beta}(1+2,1+10-2)\).
A 95% CI from the 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles of this beta:
The posterior probability that \(\theta \in [0.06, 0.52]\) is 95%. BUT, there are \(\theta\)-values outside the CI that have higher probability [density] than points inside!
A \(100 \times(1-\alpha)\) % highest posterior density (HPD) regions is the part of parameter space, \(s(y)\), such that:
\(\Rightarrow\) all points inside the HPD region have higher probability density than those outside.
We collect the highest density points with cumulative density greater that \(1-\alpha\):
The 95 % HPD region is [0.04, 0.48] which is narrower than the quantile-based CI, yet both contain 95 % probability.
Exercise: Is a treatment for cancer effective?
We have data on \(n\) cancer patients that have been given a treatment. Our outcome variable is whether or not it was “effective”:
Patient | Effectiveness | Numerical Data |
1 | N | 0 |
2 | N | 0 |
3 | Y | 1 |
\(\vdots\) | \(\vdots\) | \(\vdots\) |
The appropriate sampling model for each patient is a Bernoilli: \[Y_i|\theta \stackrel{iid}{\sim} f(Y|\theta) = \text{Bern}(\theta)\] where \(\theta\) is the success rate of the treatment. Write down the likelihood for the \(n\) patients. Then, assuming a \(\mathrm{Beta}(a,b)\) prior for \(\theta\), find the posterior distribution for \(\theta|Y\). Does this look familiar?
Next you’ll complete a practical where you conduct a conjugate Bayesian analysis for the mean of a normal distribution on the midge data introduced in the likelihood chapter. You’ll also visualize the effect of different prior choices on the posterior distribution.