VectorByte Methods Training: Regression Methods for Time Dependent Data (practical)


Virginia Tech and VectorByte


July 1, 2024

Overview and Instructions

The goal of this practical is to practice building models for time-dependent data using simple regression based techniques. This includes incorporated possible transformations, trying out different time dependent predictors (including lagged variables) and assessing model fit using diagnostic plots.

Guided example: Monthly average mosquito counts in Walton County, FL

The file Culex_erraticus_walton_covariates_aggregated.csv on the course website contains data on average monthly counts of mosquitos (sample_value) in Walton, FL, together with monthly average maximum temperature (MaxTemp in C) and precipitation (Precip in inches) for each month from January 2015 through December 2017 (Month_Yr).

Exploring the Data

As always, we first want to take a look at the data, to make sure we understand it, and that we don’t have missing or weird values.

   Month_Yr          sample_value        MaxTemp          Precip      
 Length:36          Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :16.02   Min.   : 0.000  
 Class :character   1st Qu.:0.04318   1st Qu.:22.99   1st Qu.: 2.162  
 Mode  :character   Median :0.73001   Median :26.69   Median : 4.606  
                    Mean   :0.80798   Mean   :26.23   Mean   : 5.595  
                    3rd Qu.:1.22443   3rd Qu.:30.70   3rd Qu.: 7.864  
                    Max.   :3.00595   Max.   :33.31   Max.   :18.307  

We can see that the minimum observed average number of mosquitoes it zero, and max is only 3 (there are likely many zeros averaged over many days in the month). There don’t appear to be any NAs in the data. In this case the dataset itself is small enough that we can print the whole thing to ensure it’s complete:

   Month_Yr sample_value  MaxTemp       Precip
1   2015-01  0.000000000 17.74602  3.303991888
2   2015-02  0.018181818 17.87269 16.544265802
3   2015-03  0.468085106 23.81767  2.405651215
4   2015-04  1.619047619 26.03559  8.974406168
5   2015-05  0.821428571 30.01602  0.567960943
6   2015-06  3.005952381 31.12094  4.841342729
7   2015-07  2.380952381 32.81130  3.849010353
8   2015-08  1.826347305 32.56245  5.562845324
9   2015-09  0.648809524 30.55155 10.409724627
10  2015-10  0.988023952 27.22605  0.337750269
11  2015-11  0.737804878 24.86768 18.306749680
12  2015-12  0.142857143 22.46588  5.621475377
13  2016-01  0.000000000 16.02406  3.550622029
14  2016-02  0.020202020 19.42057 11.254680803
15  2016-03  0.015151515 23.13610  4.785664728
16  2016-04  0.026143791 24.98082  4.580424519
17  2016-05  0.025252525 28.72884  0.053057634
18  2016-06  0.833333333 30.96990  6.155417473
19  2016-07  1.261363636 33.30509  4.496368193
20  2016-08  1.685279188 32.09633 11.338749182
21  2016-09  2.617142857 31.60575  2.868288451
22  2016-10  1.212121212 29.14275  0.000000000
23  2016-11  1.539772727 24.48482  0.005462681
24  2016-12  0.771573604 20.46054 11.615521725
25  2017-01  0.045454545 18.35473  0.000000000
26  2017-02  0.036363636 23.65584  3.150710053
27  2017-03  0.194285714 22.53573  1.430094952
28  2017-04  0.436548223 26.15299  0.499381616
29  2017-05  1.202020202 28.00173  6.580562663
30  2017-06  0.834196891 29.48951 13.333939858
31  2017-07  1.765363128 32.25135  7.493927035
32  2017-08  0.744791667 31.86476  6.082113434
33  2017-09  0.722222222 30.60566  4.631037395
34  2017-10  0.142131980 27.73453 11.567112214
35  2017-11  0.289772727 23.23140  1.195760473
36  2017-12  0.009174312 18.93603  4.018254442

Plotting the data

First we’ll examine the data itself, including the predictors:

t<-1:months ## counter for months in the data set
plot(t, mozData$sample_value, type="l", lwd=2, 
     main="Average Monthly Abundance", 
     xlab ="Time (months)", 
     ylab = "Average Count")
plot(t, mozData$MaxTemp, type="l",
     col = 2, lwd=2, 
     main="Average Maximum Temp", 
     xlab ="Time (months)", 
     ylab = "Temperature (C)")
plot(t, mozData$Precip, type="l",
     col="dodgerblue", lwd=2,
     main="Average Monthly Precip", 
     xlab ="Time (months)", 
     ylab = "Precipitation (in)")

Visually we noticed that there may be a bit of clumping in the values for abundance (this is subtle) – in particular, since we have a lot of very small/nearly zero counts, a transform, such as a square root, may spread things out for the abundances. It also looks like both the abundance and temperature data are more cyclical than the precipitation, and thus more likely to be related to each other. There’s also not visually a lot of indication of a trend, but it’s usually worthwhile to consider it anyway. Replotting the abundance data with a transformation:

t<-1:months ## counter for months in the data set
plot(t, sqrt(mozData$sample_value), type="l", lwd=2, 
     main="Sqrt Average Monthly Abundance", 
     xlab ="Time (months)", 
     ylab = "Average Count")

That looks a little bit better. I suggest we go with this for our response.

Building a data frame

Before we get into model building, we always want to build a data frame to contain all of the predictors that we want to consider, at the potential lags that we’re interested in. In the lecture we saw building the AR, sine/cosine, and trend predictors:

t <- 2:months ## to make building the AR1 predictors easier

mozTS <- data.frame(
  Y=sqrt(mozData$sample_value[t]), # transformed response
  Yl1=sqrt(mozData$sample_value[t-1]), # AR1 predictor
  t=t, # trend predictor
  cos12=cos(2*pi*t/12) # periodic predictors

We will also put in the temperature and precipitation predictors. But we need to think about what might be an appropriate lag. If this were daily or weekly data, we’d probably want to have a fairly sizable lag – mosquitoes take a while to develop, so the number we see today is not likely related to the temperature today. However, since these data are agregated across a whole month, as is the temperature/precipitaion, the current month values are likely to be useful. However, it’s even possible that last month’s values may be so we’ll add those in as well:

mozTS$MaxTemp<-mozData$MaxTemp[t] ## current temps
mozTS$MaxTempl1<-mozData$MaxTemp[t-1] ## previous temps
mozTS$Precip<-mozData$Precip[t] ## current precip
mozTS$Precipl1<-mozData$Precip[t-1] ## previous precip

Thus our full dataframe:

       Y               Yl1               t            sin12         
 Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   : 2.0   Min.   :-1.00000  
 1st Qu.:0.2951   1st Qu.:0.2951   1st Qu.:10.5   1st Qu.:-0.68301  
 Median :0.8590   Median :0.8590   Median :19.0   Median : 0.00000  
 Mean   :0.7711   Mean   :0.7684   Mean   :19.0   Mean   :-0.01429  
 3rd Qu.:1.1120   3rd Qu.:1.1120   3rd Qu.:27.5   3rd Qu.: 0.68301  
 Max.   :1.7338   Max.   :1.7338   Max.   :36.0   Max.   : 1.00000  
     cos12             MaxTemp        MaxTempl1         Precip      
 Min.   :-1.00000   Min.   :16.02   Min.   :16.02   Min.   : 0.000  
 1st Qu.:-0.68301   1st Qu.:23.18   1st Qu.:23.18   1st Qu.: 1.918  
 Median : 0.00000   Median :27.23   Median :27.23   Median : 4.631  
 Mean   :-0.02474   Mean   :26.47   Mean   :26.44   Mean   : 5.660  
 3rd Qu.: 0.50000   3rd Qu.:30.79   3rd Qu.:30.79   3rd Qu.: 8.234  
 Max.   : 1.00000   Max.   :33.31   Max.   :33.31   Max.   :18.307  
 Min.   : 0.000  
 1st Qu.: 1.918  
 Median : 4.631  
 Mean   : 5.640  
 3rd Qu.: 8.234  
 Max.   :18.307  
          Y       Yl1 t         sin12         cos12  MaxTemp MaxTempl1
1 0.1348400 0.0000000 2  8.660254e-01  5.000000e-01 17.87269  17.74602
2 0.6841675 0.1348400 3  1.000000e+00  6.123234e-17 23.81767  17.87269
3 1.2724180 0.6841675 4  8.660254e-01 -5.000000e-01 26.03559  23.81767
4 0.9063270 1.2724180 5  5.000000e-01 -8.660254e-01 30.01602  26.03559
5 1.7337683 0.9063270 6  1.224647e-16 -1.000000e+00 31.12094  30.01602
6 1.5430335 1.7337683 7 -5.000000e-01 -8.660254e-01 32.81130  31.12094
      Precip   Precipl1
1 16.5442658  3.3039919
2  2.4056512 16.5442658
3  8.9744062  2.4056512
4  0.5679609  8.9744062
5  4.8413427  0.5679609
6  3.8490104  4.8413427

Building a first model

We will first build a very simple model – just a trend – to practice building the model, checking diagnostics, and plotting predictions.

mod1<-lm(Y ~ t, data=mozTS)

lm(formula = Y ~ t, data = mozTS)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.81332 -0.47902  0.03671  0.37384  0.87119 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  0.904809   0.178421   5.071  1.5e-05 ***
t           -0.007038   0.008292  -0.849    0.402    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.4954 on 33 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.02136,   Adjusted R-squared:  -0.008291 
F-statistic: 0.7204 on 1 and 33 DF,  p-value: 0.4021

The model output indicates that this model is not useful – the trend is not significant and it only explains about 2% of the variability. Let’s plot the predictions:

## plot points and fitted lines
plot(Y~t, data=mozTS, col=1, type="l")
lines(t, mod1$fitted, col="dodgerblue", lwd=2)

Not good – we’ll definitely need to try something else! Remember that since we’re using a linear model for this, that we should check our residual plots as usual, and then also plot the acf of the residuals:

par(mfrow=c(1,3), mar=c(4,4,2,0.5))   

## studentized residuals vs fitted
plot(mod1$fitted, rstudent(mod1), col=1,
     xlab="Fitted Values", 
     ylab="Studentized Residuals", 
     pch=20, main="AR 1 only model")

## qq plot of studentized residuals
qqnorm(rstudent(mod1), pch=20, col=1, main="" )
abline(a=0,b=1,lty=2, col=2)

## histogram of studentized residuals
hist(rstudent(mod1), col=1, 
     xlab="Studentized Residuals", 
     main="", border=8)

This doesn’t look really bad, although the histogram might be a bit weird. Finally the acf


This is where we can see that we definitely aren’t able to capture the pattern. There’s substantial autocorrelation left at a 1 month lag, and around 6 months.

Finally, for moving forward, we can extract the BIC for this model so that we can compare with other models that you’ll build next.

extractAIC(mod1, k=log(n))[2]
[1] -44.11057

Build and compare your own models

Follow the procedure I showed for the model with a simple trend, and build at least 4 more models:

  1. one that contains an AR term
  2. one with the sine/cosine terms
  3. one with the environmental predictors
  4. one with a combination

Check diagnostics/model assumptions as you go. Then at the end compare all of your models via BIC. What is your best model by that metric? We’ll share among the group what folks found to be good models.

Extra Practice

Imagine that you are missing a few months at random – how would you need to modify the analysis. Try it out by removing about 5 months not at the beginning or end of the time series.


BibTeX citation:
@online{r. johnson2024,
  author = {R. Johnson, Leah},
  title = {VectorByte {Methods} {Training:} {Regression} {Methods} for
    {Time} {Dependent} {Data} (Practical)},
  date = {2024-07-01},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
R. Johnson, Leah. 2024. “VectorByte Methods Training: Regression Methods for Time Dependent Data (Practical).” July 1, 2024.