Introduction to Bayesian Computation and MCMC
If we go back to the full Bayes theorem: \[ \text{Pr}(\theta|Y) = \frac{\mathcal{L}(\theta; Y)f(\theta)}{\text{Pr}(Y)} \] We are usually specifying the likelihood and the prior but we often don’t know the normalizing constant in the denominator. Without this, the probabilities don’t properly integrate to 1 and we can’t make probability statements.
We can use Monte Carlo methods to approximate the posterior.
Stochastic simulation is a way to understand variability in a system and for calculating quantities that may be difficult or impossible to obtain directly.
Monte Carlo (MC) methods are “a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results.” - Wikipedia
How does it work?
Run a simulation/computer calculation (with some component that is “random”) many many times in order to obtain the distribution of an unknown probabilistic quantity.
A basic algorithm:
We typically have four reasons to use MC:
In our Bayesian analyses we’re primarily leaning on MC for the 3rd point, but we get the last for free along with it.
We use Monte Carlo (MC) methods to generate random deviates in the right ratios from the target posterior called draws or samples.
We use these draws to approximate/summarize our distribution and make inference statements (point estimates, CIs, etc). We can also use the draws to calculate the posterior distribution of any function of our estimated parameters.
As the number of draws/samples gets large we can approximate these quantities arbitrarily high precision.
Using MC to perform these calculations (and to propagate the uncertainty) rests on the idea of the plug-in principle:
A summary statistic or other feature of a distribution (e.g. expected value) can be approximated by the same summary/feature of an empirical sample from that distribution (e.g., sample mean).
Example: Imagine we want to find, for some unknown reason, the central 92% CI for a beta distribution with parameters \(a\) and \(b\).
How can we calculate this without using a look-up table, or similar function?
If we are able to generate samples from the desired distribution (which we’ll take as given for now), we can use MC and the plug-in principle!
MCMC is the most commonly used numerical algorithm for generating posterior samples.
A Markov Chain is a sequence of randomly generated numbers where each draw depends on the one immediately preceding it.
Plot – Ian Murray (
Gibbs sampling is a type of MCMC that leverages the conditional distributions of parameters to generate samples by proposing them one at a time. This is the algorithm implemented in the popular Bayesian packages BUGS, WinBUGS, \({\tt nimble}\), and JAGS/\({\tt rjags}\), and that we use for \({\tt bayesTPC}\).
We will treat Gibbs sampling and other of the numerical methods as mostly “black boxes”. We’ll learn to diagnose output from these later on in the practical component.
We can treat the draws much like we would data:
If the samples are parameters in a complex model, we can plug them all in, one at a time, to get a range of possible predictions from the model (we’ll see this in the practical bit, later on).
The Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) seeks to judge a model on how well it fits, penalized by the complexity of the model: \[ DIC = D(\bar{\theta}) + 2p_D \] where:
\(\rightarrow\) Already implemented in nimble!
Both nimble and JAGS implement Gibbs sampling/MCMC in a fairly easy to use package that you can call from R. Models are encoded using the BUGS language.
That is, once you specify the appropriate sampling distribution/likelihood and any priors for the parameters, it will use MCMC to obtain samples from the posterior in the right ratios so that we can calculate whatever we want.
The trickiest and most important part of each analysis is properly specifying the model for all of the data that you want to fit. Before you begin to code, you need to decide:
There are two practicals focusing on using \({\tt nimble}\) and \({\tt bayesTPC}\) to conduct analyses. It has two main chunks:
For both you’ll be led through visualizing your MCMC chains and your posterior distributions of parameters and predictions. There are also advanced practice suggestions for those who want to go further.