VectorByte Training Materials 2023


Pre-work and set-up

Hardware and Software

We will be using R for all data manipulation and analyses/model fitting. Any operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) will do, as long as you have R (version 3.6 or higher) installed.

You may use any IDE/ GUI for R (VScode, RStudio, Emacs, etc). For most people, RStudio is a good option. Whichever one you decide to use, please make sure it is installed and test it before the workshop. We will have a channel on Slack dedicated to software/hardware issues and troubleshooting.

We will also be using Slack for additional support during the training. Please have these installed in advance.


We are assuming familiarity with R basics. In addition, we recommend that you do the following:

  1. Go to The Multilingual Quantitative Biologist, and read+work through the Biological Computing in R Chapter up to the section on Writing R code. Of course, keep going if you want (although we will cover some similar materials here).

  2. In addition / alternatively to pre-work element (1), here are some resources for brushing up on R at the end of the Intro R Chapter you can try. But there are many more resources online (e.g., this and this ) – pick something that suits your learning style.

  3. Review background on introductory probability and statistics (solutions to exercises)

  4. Inculcate the coding Jedi inside of you - or the Sith - whatever works.

Introduction to the VecTraits database1

  • This component will be delivered live & synchronously. The VecTraits website can be found here. It might be an idea to explore this prior to the workshop.

Intro to the VecTraits API

Introduction to traits

Data Wrangling in R

Introduction to Linear Models

Nonlinear Modeling (including Thermal Performance Curves – TPCs)

Intro to Bayes

Bayesian computation and MCMC



  1. What is the difference between VectorBiTE and VectorByte? We are glad you asked! VectorBiTE was an RCN or a research coordination network funded by a 5 year grant from the BBSRC. VectorByte is hosting this training which is a newly funded NSF grant to establish a global open access data platform to study disease vectors. All the databases have transitioned to VectorByte but the legacy options will still be available on the VectorBiTE website.↩︎